Now, would the non-psion mentioned above notice what was happening if they made a Spellcraft check and saw that "Mental McPsion manifested Contact"? Could they then assume the tingling was a result of that? Or would they still be unable to link the two (the tingling sensation with this psion manifesting Contact)?Server Ruling on Psionics wrote:Contact -
Power Description: Contact is just what the name implies, contact between the minds of the psionicist and another creature. It does not allow communication, it merely represents the opening of the target's mind. For the duration of the power, all of the target's will saves are reduced by one for every two levels of the psionicist [ed: this has actually been changed to a flat 5 point reduction). Only psionicists receive a saving throw.
RP Effects: Depends on whether you're a Psion or not. A Psion would obviously require 3 tangents prior to a Contact, so they would definitely know what was going down. Would they be happy about it? Probably not. Again, depends on circumstance. (This can be assumed for basically every power when used on another Psion). Non-Psions wouldn't notice anything. They might feel the hairs on the back of their neck (if they have any) perk up, or feel as if they are being watched, but they would have NO idea who or what was causing the sensation. They could be well versed in what Psions can do and are capable of. They still wouldn't know. They could have a suspicion, like "Maybe a Psion is messing with my head," but they wouldn't really have any sort of concrete knowledge of why they were feeling the uneasiness.
Thanks, beforehand, for the reply!
((P.S., If any other players or any DMs can think of other "special cases" involving Contact, please jump in with them! I'd like to have as many bases covered as possible.))

((P.P.S., Are these rules still valid? Obviously the rules can change with time.))