Howl of Mourning

Talks that may or may not have anything to do with Hala or NWN

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Post by Moonyju »

Very sorry to hear!
*squeezies in comfort*
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Post by Tremayne7 »

It wasn't quite two weeks ago that I lost one and I've lost another. My beloved Oberon, my furry baby of 15 years died in my arms about an hour ago. I can't stop crying and he died of natural causes.


That is him melted on his Mom Cat.
Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning

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Post by Zombie »

Grovel puts the P in swimming pool.
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Post by Psye Shaar »

Sorry to hear. :(
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Post by _JM_ »

My condolences again.
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Post by silverdragonams »

So sorry for your loss
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Post by Akai »

I am so sorry.
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Post by Rudiki »

All my sympathy and support. :(
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Post by Moonyju »

Sorry to hear. :-(
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Post by Rudiki »

She's gone. My big sister, my Spotty Cat.
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Post by _JM_ »

My condolences. I hope all the sad tasks go smoothly and am sorry for your loss.
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Post by Freeze01 »

My condolences as well.
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Post by galen_macbyrne »

Sorry for your loss...Condolences to you and your family.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Rudiki »

Tiger was my sister's cat. He was a classic black-striped tabby cat, with the most gorgeous velvet-black-furred bottoms of his paws, and a caramel-colored spotty tummy. He was a polite middle-aged gentleman, a bit portly but still playful, a sweet, loving lap cat with a fine purr.

Throughout the four years of my sister's grueling fight with cancer he, more than anything else in her life, kept her spirits up and comforted her, and for that I will be forever grateful. He was on the bed with her the night she died, and in the days and weeks and months that followed he continued to comfort and entertain those who loved her. Tiger died tonight, a victim of the same heartless disease that claimed my sister. Thanks, Dude. You did good.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Akai »

RIP Sgt Fury. She had a rough life. She was a French guinea hen, bred to receive expert care for a few months and then be eaten. She couldn't hold her own even with her siblings, who pecked out her eye when she was a chick, but toughed it out with our mongrel flock for two and a half years before, as far as I can tell, just giving up. I miss our most curmudgeonly guinea.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by _JM_ »

My condolences on your loss.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by TearsOfFire »

I'm sorry for your loss :(
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Tremayne7 »

At least she had a good life with people who cared for her. Sorry to hear of your loss.
Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning

"If life is a hankerchief, love is the embrodery that makes it more beautiful." - Alexis Dufresne Montjoie

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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Rudiki »

It's been over 2 weeks, now, since we said goodbye. It is never easy to write these, but this one is particularly difficult, because we loved her so long and so deeply. Valourie, or Val for short, did not have a lot of aliases. Just a softly-sung "little black cat", and the title of "Beautiful Beautiful". I did not think she was beautiful, at first; I thought her face was too pointy, but Akai was wiser.

We had not planned on getting this cat when we went to pick up our order at Pizza Hut, but there she was in the parking lot. Scattered cat food cans in the bushes showed that someone had been feeding the stray. I picked up the pizza, and Akai picked up the cat and refused to put her down. She was a skinny black teen-kitten with a little white bikini-mark, and she showed zero interest in being anywhere but in Akai's arms. We had already put in an order for a kitten from Siamese rescue, but Akai was immune to reason.

While we stood there, a tough-looking Hispanic teen approached (the Pizza Hut wasn't in a great part of town) and greeted us with: "You taking my kitten, man?" We admitted that it looked like we were, and he looked relieved. He explained that he had been feeding her and was glad she would be going to a good home. One of my characters is a tough little Hispanic teen named Sanchez, so we joked that since we had Sanchez's blessing, what could go wrong?

For the next 19 years, Val ruled the household as undisputed queen. She loved us both, but Akai was her special person, from the moment they met. Val was sweet and loving and gentle and self-possessed and smart and sleek and silky and graceful. She was death on mice, an efficient and stealthy huntress. She was forgiving when we had to go away and leave her for a few days, or when we had to take her in the car; she was always glad to see us and was never moody or hostile. Her typical greeting was to head-butt you right in the face. I miss that.

Val seldom had to resort to violence to get her way; she was subtler than that. I recall watching her take possession of a favorite chair by just going over to it and quietly staring at the cat in residence until he, feeling her eyes upon him, was so unnerved he couldn't stay and had to hop down, whereupon she promptly took his place on the warm cushion. It was a masterful performance.

Neither of us has ever regretted our long-ago choice to share our lives with non-human creatures, and to give our hearts to them fully, despite the pain that inevitably, eventually, comes with that covenant. We feel ourselves fortunate to have had our lives so greatly enriched.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Chastened Phoenix »

Really sounds like an epic kitty...
The sort of pet books or movies might be made of.

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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by Akai »

Darkwing was the prettiest of our ducks; tuxedo-colored, with a beautiful green iridescence to her black feathers. When she was clean she was stunning, though usually she was scruffy, unkempt with bits of food stuck to her feathers and feathers plucked by bullying birds. She was the sweetest-natured and the littlest (and hence the most picked-upon); no bigger than a pigeon, the awful cold must have been too much for her. If she had just managed one more day... if I had realized that she was in danger... if only.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by _JM_ »

My condolences on your loss and I hope you don't get too caught up in the "if only"s.
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Re: Howl of Mourning

Post by ambrosia »

so sorry guys *hugs*
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