Moving On After Forum Loss

Talks that may or may not have anything to do with Hala or NWN

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Knight of the Holy Church of Annoyance
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Moving On After Forum Loss

Post by Meredia »

As most of us know, there was an interruption in the service of Hala for the course of a few days, which was diligently investigated and ultimately resolved by the dedicated staff. I'd first like to give my thanks for that effort on our behalf, especially regarding the greatest horror that the world has ever produced: phone-assisted technical assistence. Normal service has been resumed in the world of Hala, and people have jumped right back into the swing of playing.

However, there was a price. The forums were reverted back to December 22nd, and all posts made since then were lost. It might only be the period of about fourteen or so days lost, but this also represents to many of the posters a significant loss of a great deal of effort on their behalf. Those who have been keeping journals or detailing their events in the in character forums likely feel a particular sense of loss, since their actions now must either be retraced and reposted, or simply given up to the inevitability of technical error that swallowed their works.

Since then, there's been a void of posting. It used to be there was always something to read if I left the forums alone, sometimes so many somethings that it required browsing several forums and reading several posts. I would like to urge all the members of the community of Hala to begin posting again. We can either trickle back in one by one as someone decides they finally need to put something up for something and then others follow, or we can pick up exactly as we left off, recovering what we can (if you so desire) and writing anew. One of the greatest strengths of Hala is its forum postings and the details provided that allow insight into the characters and the players behind them. These are invaluable parts of the experience.

So go ahead, post your hearts out! I'm waiting to hear from you all.
Odin Hammersong
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Post by Odin Hammersong »

For such effort-intensive things as journal writing, I suggest people write them in Word or some other editor and save a copy of it all. Relying on a single place like the forums to hold that hard work is unwise. I've lost a significant amount of work in the past due to forums or just accidentally refreshing the damn page when I'm writing it. lol.

RPing seems easy compared to writing about it. heh.

Save early. Save often.
"All tryin' to do as we should, but that doesn't always rhyme with doin' what feels good"

[quote="micah ormane"]I'm dedicated? I just take your spells away then abandon you!

Muah ha ha! RP that, bitch![/quote]
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