I’ll look forward to seeing you when you are feeling well enough and hope that whatever treatment you have goes well and you are able to eat and sleep better.
Grovel puts the P in swimming pool.
Small in stature, large in power, narrow of focus and wide of vision
My play/DM times: [url]http://www.ysgard.org/viewtopic.php?highlight=play&t=7671[/url]
Heya. Third diagnosis in a month and hospital procedure tomorrow in Baltimore. Nobody should worry; I'm told the situation is more than trivial but less than dire, but action needs to be taken ASAP to prevent the dire. I should be fine. I'll be out of commission for at least the next couple of days, and likely so will Akai. Take care, all. Back when I can be.
13thHour : [Tell] *your alignment has long since passed any possible further move to 'sexy' due to reinventing the scale*
[url=http://wiki.ysgard.org/index.php?title=PCs:Lexy]Lexy on the Wiki![/url]
I hope the trip went well and that the procedure goes well. Sorry, as I said, that the month of misdiagnosis made it quite such an ASAP to prevent the dire. Looking forward to seeing you around again and hoping things improve.
Quick update: Surgery went well but wasn't successful as things were more complicated than they thought; need to do it again with bigger guns. Stop-gap measure put in place in the meantime, so I should feel better in the interim.
13thHour : [Tell] *your alignment has long since passed any possible further move to 'sexy' due to reinventing the scale*
[url=http://wiki.ysgard.org/index.php?title=PCs:Lexy]Lexy on the Wiki![/url]
Sorry to hear that after the delays things were complex rather than more easily solved. I hope the interim measure is making you feel better and that it and what you’d been doing with diet work well until they try again.
Glad to hear you came out of the surgery ok..wish it was able to take care of it all but glad they are giving you something to help you feel better until the rest can be taken care of. Rest and take care of yourself..hope your recovery is speedy.
Heya all - my father's in the hospital with a heart attack, prognosis is poor, don't expect my alts around for a while. I'll try to check forums occasionally from their house.