Info Needed: History of *your* Drow

Talks that may or may not have anything to do with Hala or NWN

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Info Needed: History of *your* Drow

Post by Fredegar »

Do you have a drow character? If so, you may be of aid in a small project.

Please feel free to post your drow characters name and a brief synopsis of their past/family. Ie, are they an outcast, is their family a noble house, did they have mage brothers, priestess sisters, did they turn their back on lloth or embrace her fully, etc.

Other things that may be of importance: Was their family destroyed by a rival house, names of rival houses, names of your house, cast out from favor by lloth, wealthy, rich.. It all has value.

Another important thing is if your character is native to ysgard's underdark.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!
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Post by Slogth »


Vildur So'Riatin

Second born male of the So'Riatin family

The So'Riatin family is native to Hala and embraces Lloth fully.

So'Riaitn family is a noble house just not very high on the totem pole we never did really specify exactally what house number we are.

Only one of the So'Riatin's was foolish enough to turn on her family and that was Elly So'Riatin, once a priestess of Lloth now a drider.
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Post by teagirl03 »

//ooc as well.// Emilentea and Elalianasa So'riatin. Same info as VIldur posted. Both loyal to Lloth
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Post by Xanthalas »

Rykolyn Rilyndar So'Riatin

Rilyndar house destroyed,
Betrayed the So' Riatin
serves the Val from a non religious stance,
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Post by Lir'ana »


Draeltin So'Riatin
8 Fighter/ 8 Rogue

First born male of house So'Riatin

Same info as Vildur except he forgot to mention that our sister is a priestess of lolth and head of our house. (Vilmi So'Riatin) And by paper standards she is a high priestess though we have not held a ceremony in game yet.

So'Riatin is a very low house on the totem lol. We didn't want to make some drow saying they were these high nobles or anything. Also we figured it would add some rp and small quests for the So'Riatins to move up in rank. House So'Riatin is not poor but neither are we filthy rich.

As for Drae's past and story he was sent to the surface to scout and gain str to help further our house's rank. Shortly after he came to the surface more of his family followed. They informed him that Drae's mother the previous matron of house So'Riatin had died and been replaced by his sister Vilmi.

**edited to add some more info**
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Lord Droke
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Post by Lord Droke »

**O.O.C. info**

Vilmiathien So'Riatin
Cleric 17

When Vilmiathien was a young novince preistess, her mother fell from Lloth's grace. In her moment of weakness, Vilmithien made her move and killed her mother assuming her position as Matriarch. Fearing that the high priestesses might try to take her house since she was not yet a high priestess of Lloth she decided to train on the surface.

Vilmiathien's surface history is quite long. She quickly learned that to survive she needed more allys, so she journied with several diferent surface folk. Even aided them against the Minotaur hordes however, she quickly learned that only a select few could be trusted (as only a drow can trust).

Her family is as follows:
Un'eden her older sister a monk not a priestess but they have argued over who leads
Elly the betrayer
Siva Obladra - her preistess/sorceress sister
and of course the E sisters

In recent events, she rarely travels with surfacers, trusting none but her family who are loyal(for drow) and few other drow. She is angered that the Valsharess does not conduct surface raids, and still is angered for Elgcarress's leniency towards blasphemy and believes that this stuff with the driders of late is punishment to all drow for following Matron Elg'Caress. She has recently began planning her own surface raids.....
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