
Talks that may or may not have anything to do with Hala or NWN

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Post by Gregpooh »

OK, blame this one on the server outage. Gregpooh with too much time on his hands = wandering mind = weird things.

Every once in a while I come across something playing Hala that tickles me or resonates with me. I find people and conversations that provoke deeper internal debates. I encounter situations both sublime and ridiculous. Virtual fantasy in the technologically limited realm of NWN gives birth to a plethora of these strange and wonderful little moments.

In the spirit of the great blogosphere, I have decided to put digital pen to electronic paper and spew forth my random Hala thoughts to the only group of people for whom such thoughts may have even a HOPE of making sense.

Instead of posting a new topic every time I wish to share one of these little tidbits, I have decided to create the Ysblog. This will not only allow me to collect all of my ramblings in one place, but it will allow those who have no wish to be subjected to the scattered musings of my odd little mind to easily avoid them if they choose.

Since the purpose of this blog is for me to post my own thoughts, observations, etc. I will ask that people refrain from responding directly on this topic. If you feel something posted here merits extended discussion, please begin another thread to start one. I can not, of course, forbid anyone from posting to this thread, so I merely respectfully request.

Now, if you are brave enough or foolish enough, read on. I'll post a few of my recent musings to get the ball rolling, but future updates will happen when the whim strikes me. (or the servers go down again).
It takes a [b]Viking[/b] to Raze a Village.
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Post by Gregpooh »

Watching changelings go from mimicking static models to mimicking dynamic models can lead to some silly situations. I recently watched a changeling turn into a drow static model and then, minutes later, copy the form of a Drow PC. Naturally, when the PC form was copied Hair and skin color did not change, so the changeling ended up simply looking like an elf.

I'm not exactly sure why, but I found this humorous.

I wonder if they ever added the Get hair and skin color variables to 1.69? I know I saw people on the bioware forums lobbying for them.

Oh, the possibilities...
It takes a [b]Viking[/b] to Raze a Village.
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Post by Gregpooh »

There I was, doing spring cleaning in the Ironhand Armory and deciding what I could make out of the various crafting supplies I had collected. (Note: do future blog post on the irony of having to do housecleaning in the game I play to avoid responsibilities) I made the mistake of engaging the math portion of my brain to try and figure out how many fire arrows I could make out of the ingredients I had on hand.

One large brain cramp later, I came to the following conclusion. It takes a minimum of ninety crafting items and thirty distinct crafting skill checks (in four different crafts) to make a bundle of ninety nine fire arrows.

Now, every time Rowena pulls out her bow, I get this nervous tick over my right eye...
It takes a [b]Viking[/b] to Raze a Village.
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Post by Gregpooh »

It could only happen once.

There can only be one Grovel. His origins are before my time, but I must take my hat off to whoever decided to let Semiazas (sp?) use the Grovel voice set for this particular Goblin character.

EVERY TIME I see Grovel I smile. I can't wait to see what Arkon has in store for the little guy. He is truly the Bestis.
It takes a [b]Viking[/b] to Raze a Village.
Knight: Church of Pants
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Post by Gregpooh »

Gregpooh's first law of Chinese take out:

The number of packets of Duck Sauce delivered with your order is inversely proportional to the number of egg rolls in the order.

(Yes, Chinese food is a vital component in any gamers NWN tool bag.)
It takes a [b]Viking[/b] to Raze a Village.
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