Indoor cats; yeah, baby!

Talks that may or may not have anything to do with Hala or NWN

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Indoor cats; yeah, baby!

Post by Rudiki »

I don't want to spam up the condolences thread, so:

JM wrote: "I know my kittens would not be as happy as indoor cats because of the determination they are showing to get outside..."

I had a cat that showed great determination to get into the file cabinet and the refrigerator, but I know she'd not have been happy living either place. :) She was my first indoor cat, lived to be 20, and sold me completely on keeping cats indoors.

This is a subject I do feel very strongly about, or I'd not be writing. Bear in mind, I do not feel smug about having indoor cats, and I certainly do not feel as if people who let their cats out are in any way worse people, or love their cats less. There are just a host of really good reasons to keep cats exclusively indoors, versus way fewer (if any) really good reasons to let them out.

Besides the reasons I mentioned on the other thread (basically all the dangers to the cat with resulting extra expense and grief), there are other reasons. Cats are very effective predators, and your bird-loving neighbors will not be happy to see your cats staking out their feeders and birdbaths. Populations of outdoor cats have been found to have significant impact on the local bird population. If your cat is not neutered or spayed (that's another soap-box entirely), it will be going around happily adding to the very serious pet overpopulation problem. And finally, if your cat spends a lot of time outdoors, you won't get the benefit of the cat's presence as much of the time, and you will miss out on a bunch of love and fun.

It is much harder to get an outdoor cat to adjust to the indoors than it is to just never start letting kittens out in the first place. You have a great chance with kittens to painlessly make them indoor cats. I had a stray cat I adopted that had decided to have kittens in a house we were working on restoring (that was a fertile house; wrens nested inside, too). We had her spayed, medicated the kittens (sooo much fun squirting gunk into baby kittens eyes twice a day) found homes for the kittens, and I tried to make her an indoor cat, but she was too terrified of the dogs. Even when she was kept in a seperate room, she would go to the highest point she could find and stay there. I finally relented and let her be my outdoor cat, figuring she had lived as a stray and was savvy about cars and such, but a couple of months later she was struck by a car and killed.

Just from this brief discussion, it's clear that several other people in this fairly small community have had similar experiences. I think that says a lot right there. Please think really hard about all that has been said, and don't let those kittens out.

Thanks for listening.
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Post by Xaila »

Very good post.

Something to be aware of though... I've noticed that the indoor cat/outdoor cat debate varies a lot by country too. In the USA there is a strong movement to start keeping cats indoors due to all of the reasons listed.

I don't know for sure but I think Australia, because of the threat feral cats pose to wildlife with no natural defenses to them, also encourage indoor cats.

The UK at least still seems to promote the idea of keeping indoor/outdoor cats. I'm not sure why, perhaps because there is less risk to wildlife and the cats (less large predators, and there are native wildcats).

That aside, my cats are indoors. I'm terrified to let any of them out after the one was shot. I also know people who have lost cats to FeLV and FIV, which is terrible. I have one cat that started her life as a stray and who I've always had trouble keeping indoors-only. My only comfort is that she barely leaves the front yard/patio area when she is outside.
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Post by Sable »

I have 3 cats, the eldest is female and a self imposed house cat. However the 2 younger male cats love to play outside and I know they would not be happy as house cats. It worries the hell out of me to let them out near cars, but I have to consol myself that its either the risk of a short but happy life, or a long but miserable one.

I'll be gutted if something happens to them, but the choice I had to make was to consider their feelings or mine, and theirs had to win out.
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